Big spoiler warning for Song of the Shieldmaiden AND Whispers of a Sorceress. If you haven’t read BOTH books, I highly recommend you save this and come back later. Otherwise… enjoy getting to know Andor a little better!
Q: What’s it like being the son of someone as notorious as Ulrik?
Andor: I don’t think anyone would be surprised to hear that my father and I did not always share the same beliefs. Being the son of a raider comes with unique challenges. I grew up fighting. I expected to join him on raids. I never thought my father would become a jarl. He was a formidable figure, and his actions earned him a reputation that I will never completely shed. People often judge me based on his deeds, which can be frustrating at times.
Q: It sounds like you did not want to follow in his footsteps. How do you reconcile your sensible nature with your family’s reputation?
Andor: My father followed his own path through life. I have my own path. But there is no escaping some of the consequences that have fallen to me since my father’s death. Despite the darkness that surrounds our family, I’ve always believed in kindness and compassion. I suppose I see it as my duty to balance my father’s violence with peace, at least as far as I am able.
Q: You have a tattoo of the sacred tree Yggdrasil. What does this symbol mean to you?
Andor: The tattoo of Yggdrasil holds deep significance for me. It represents the interconnectedness of all life and the idea that everything is part of a greater whole. It’s a reminder to stay grounded and to seek balance in all things.
Q: What drew you to Svanhild, despite the circumstances surrounding your betrothal?
Andor: Oh, Svanhild is unlike anyone I’ve ever met. When we were betrothed, I was drawn to the strength of her spirit and her determination to protect her family. I couldn’t help but be captivated by her. But… Svanhild is a storm. Sometimes I was able to calm her, but I could never tame her. I didn’t want to tame her. And despite our connection, I don’t think she ever forgave me for being my father’s son.
Q: What are you feelings for Svanhild since she left? And is it true she stole your ship?
Andor: Some things are private. My feelings for Svanhild are complicated. After she left, I felt a mix of emotions—anger, hurt, hopelessness. As for the ship, well, let’s just say that it’s a bit of a sore subject. But yes, she did take it without my permission.
Q: Can you tell us about your marriage to Brynja? Was it purely a political move, or did you have genuine feelings for her?
Andor: Certainly. My marriage to Brynja was partly a strategic decision, influenced by the political landscape of our village. As the daughter of Jarl Tove, Brynja held a significant position within Kaldvik’s community, and marrying her solidified my place as future jarl. And no one knows the people of Kaldvik like Brynja. Everyone loves her, and she cares for them in turn. I hoped to learn that from her. However, that’s not to say there weren’t genuine feelings involved. Brynja is a kind and caring person, and I’ve always respected and admired her. While our marriage may have started as a political alliance, I’ve come to appreciate the warmth and companionship she brings to my life.
Q: You make it sound like you two are friends. Is there romance there?
Andor: People do not always wed for romance. That said, I could not have asked for a more beautiful and compassionate wife.
Q: That’s not saying much. How did you feel when Svanhild returned?
Andor: I did not expect her to come back. But I knew why she came, from the moment I first spotted her in the forest with her father’s sword in her hand. She was fierce as a Valkyrie that day. She accomplished what she set out to do. She found her vengeance. The Norns severed any ties between us on the shore of that lake. In the wake of such strong actions, my feelings matter little.
Q: If you could change one thing about your past, what would it be?
Andor: I try not to waste time on regrets. But since you asked, I would change the circumstances that led to my father’s rise to power in Kaldvik. His actions have caused so much pain and suffering, and I often wonder how different things would be if he had chosen a different path.
Q: Do you have ambitions to become jarl of Mosfell now?
Andor: As the son of Ulrik, it’s only natural for people to assume that I aspire to inherit the title of jarl one day. However, my ambitions extend beyond mere titles or positions of power. While I do feel a sense of duty to my family and our village, my primary focus is on ensuring the well-being and prosperity of our people. Whether that means assuming the role of jarl or serving in another capacity, my goal remains the same: to lead with compassion, wisdom, and a genuine concern for the welfare of all.
Q: What do you hope for the future?
Andor: Peace and prosperity for Mosfell, my home. I pray to the gods that Svanhild and her family are able to rebuild Kaldvik from the ashes my father left it. I dream of a world where we can move past the shadows of our past and build a solid future together. And perhaps some time at sea, where I can just be lost in the wind for awhile—that would be almost as good as Valhalla to me.