Mythic Hearts Cover Reveal: By Fate’s Frozen Firelight

I am so excited to share the final cover design for By Fate’s Frozen Firelight, book one of my upcoming YA romantic fantasy trilogy Mythic Hearts Saga! The whole trilogy is coming to Kickstarter in early 2025—but, of course, our found family in the Ravens Keep will get to read it first. I can’t waitContinue reading “Mythic Hearts Cover Reveal: By Fate’s Frozen Firelight”

Mythic Hearts: Anime Character Cards

Someone once told me “Mythic Hearts” sounds like the name of an anime. So naturally, I had to imagine my characters in an anime style! It took some careful prompting in Midjourney and some edits afterward, but here is what I came up with for Freyda, our healer heroine, and Leif, our roguish hunter. IContinue reading “Mythic Hearts: Anime Character Cards”

What Was Viking Yule Really Like?

Jól took place over three nights, starting with the midwinter solstice around December 21st. Unfortunately, the eddas we would normally turn to for information don’t contain many details about the celebrations. So what do we know? There was lots of feasting and drinking. What else would you expect from the Vikings? In a saga about KingContinue reading “What Was Viking Yule Really Like?”

Finding Inspiration as a Writer

As a historical fantasy author, I find inspiration in so many places. Whether it’s TV shows, other books, or my favorite games, I ingest as many stories and inhabit as many worlds as I can to inspire my own stories and worlds. The most common inspiration for me is television. I often find myself thinking,Continue reading “Finding Inspiration as a Writer”