Freya’s Day Update: 18 Oct 2024

Happy Freyda’s Day! It’s been a busy week in writing land. I finally found my footing with By Fate’s Frozen Firelight, writing consistently every day and finishing about one chapter per day.

Writing first thing in the morning—even for just 45 minutes to an hour—makes all the difference for me! I am able to write a quick scene in that amount of time, and it sets me up for a successful day. Sometimes I write for another 30 minutes to an hour while my son naps or after he goes to bed; other days, I don’t write anything for the rest of the day. But just that early morning writing session is enough for me to get about 1,500 words in for the day, which feels great. Plus, I’m starting the day with a win.

In other news, I am preparing this subscription with a welcome story for all new subscribers to read. Best of all, it’s interactive! I used to send out a Google Form with a few questions for new subscribers, then I would email a personalized welcome story based on their responses. But that was a lot of manual work for me! Now, everything is automated, and you get to answer questions as you read the story, making it feel more like a game. I owe all of this to my amazing husband, who is building this dynamic story editor for me to use.

Speaking of interactive stories… I plan to release choose-your-own adventures set in the worlds of my books, starting next year. I’ll be using my husband’s app when it’s ready for action. With these stories, you’ll be able to craft characters and make decisions for customized adventures. So whether you want to meet a Norse god in Mythic Hearts, fight alongside shieldmaidens like Svanhild in Daughters of Valhalla, or ride your horse across the magical frozen wilds of The Spellstorm Saga, there will be a quest for you.

Last but not least, I am planning to write a free prequel to my Mythic Hearts Saga series. At first, I wanted to write a story about Freyda, but I found it hard to pin down a tale worth telling because she’s 18 years old in the main series, and it feels like her adventure is just beginning. The whole story hinges on the fact that her life so far has been quaint and simple—not exactly fodder for a riveting story (though I’m sure there are some cozy tales I could share in the future!).

So what did I do? I decided to write the prequel about Freyda’s mother, Jordis. I am zipping back in time to when she was Freyda’s age and falling in love with the god Baldur. The romance was all dreamy stolen moments and whispered promises… until, you know, the Viking apocalypse.

I love this concept because it’s an interesting story filled with action, family drama, and romance—all of the things the main series has. Plus, I can write it as a YA story. I’m also leaning into that Gilmore Girls vibe, since this is sort of like peeking back into Lorelai’s past in Gilmore Girls. Overall, I think it will be a perfect fit for Mythic Hearts, and I can’t wait to start writing it!

Hope you all are doing well. Until next week, happy reading!

? Ashley

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